Spanish Creek Kennels
Welcome to Spanish Creek Kennels, located in the region of Okeefenokee Swamp near Folkston, Ga. We would like to you thank you for showing interest in our kennel. All of our dogs are raised as members of the family and each receives personal attention from adults and children on a daily basis. This builds a great temperament and love for people in our dogs. All of our dogs are bred for soundness from proven established bloodlines. Our Black Mouth Curs (BMC) are FBMCBO. Inc. and UKC registered.
At Spanish Creek Kennel, we genetically blend the best hog dog lines after long and hard consideration on the strengths and weaknesses of the male, female, their parents, and their grand parents to create hunting dogs that can consistently find hogs under any conditions. We always seek to improve if possible. Our dogs are bred for good temperament, intelligence, superb coordination, speed, endurance, medium-cold nose, and above all Heart. We have been fortunate to find a few elite dogs that meet our high standards. They come from long lines of proven superior canine athletes.
Okeefenokee Cowboy
50% Rathke Reno / 50% TLS Delight / 37.5% Weatherford’s Ben
Spanish Creek Sonny
Cheyenne's Sunny D Lite
Spanish Creek Lottie
Snow Hill Max 50% / Snow Hill Honey
Spanish Creek Maggie
Okefenokee Cowboy x Bell
Occasionally, we have a few trained dogs or pups available from our own stock or our friend’s dogs. None of us breed more than two or three litters a year because we’re trying to increase the quality of the dogs not the quantity. Since we all hunt back and forth with each other we know one another’s stock very well, both the parental dogs and usually their ancestry back three to six generations. If you’re looking for a hog-hunting prospect, we’ll do our best to match you with a dog or pup from outstanding working parents.
you have a quality female Black Mouth Cur you wish bred to a working dog with
brains and ability contact us. Our kennel and friends have some great dogs
from which to select that special dog.
We also remove nuisance hogs within one hundred miles of Folkston, Ga. So If you're a farmer and need help removing unwanted hogs from your fields or orchards contact us at;
Spanish Creek Kennels
(912) 496-7038
Danny Willis
Rt 3 Box 615
Folkston, Ga. 31537
Below are some articles about hog hunting;